One of the first skills needed in the area of math is for the child to gain an understanding of quantity and numeral. Through the use of the number rods and the sandpaper numerals the child is introduced to the idea that quantities can be represented by symbols and the symbols we use are numerals. Beginning with the concrete experience, children are presented with the number rods as a counting activity to familiarize themselves with the concept that objects can be counted and assigned a quantity: this is three, this is five. After they gain confidence in counting and a growing understanding of quantity, the child can be introduced to the numerals through the sandpaper numerals: this says three, this says five. Once the child shows competency with numeral recognition we then pair the two concepts of quantity and numeral by matching a numeral to its corresponding number rod. This is initially presented with the number rods in sequence and then moves to the number rods in random order. It is equally important to work from numeral to number rod. In other words, start with a numeral and have the child find the corresponding number rod. Once a child reaches this point you can incorporate a 1-10 die to add a point of interest to their practice. The child first sets up the number rods on a rug. These can be arranged in sequence or they can be placed in random order. Then, on a second rug across the room, the child rolls the 1-10 die. The numeral on the top segment of the die indicates the number rod they will fetch from the first rug and bring to the second rug.

Number Rods and 1-10 Die

1-10 Dice